Project Update | GWCoM Suicide Prevention Project- Moving Towards Implementing Pathways Connect

As the delivery partner for the Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors (GWCoM) Suicide Prevent Project, Greater Whitsunday has been progressing with the implementation of the proposed Pathways Connect codesign pilot model that was developed based on significant stakeholder engagement in 2022. 

Two of the critical issues GWC & GWCoM have faced in implementing a project of this scale are the significant financial investment, and the complex design of the backbone of the model required to ensure it is able to operate successfully as the rollout commences.

To attract funding and have the required backbone in place, we are currently looking at how we deliver the pilot in a managed way that can be built upon as funding is obtained yet still stay true to the core purpose of the project – connecting people across the region to the RIGHT option, at the RIGHT time.

In recent months GWC has engaged a consultant to review the proposed model and recommend steps to be taken to enable implementation.  This has included developing a proposed governance structure, finalising a business case for support, and mapping the additional resources and communication tools for successful implementation.

In the coming months, GWC and GWCoM will make decisions on the best way to sustainability deliver the pilot for the region and we hope to bring you news on the progress early in 2024.